
Schulte Joins Waukon Police Department

Luke Schulte was sworn in as a police officer at the November 4, 2024, Waukon City Council meeting. Officer Schulte has 6 1/2 years of dispatch/ jailer experience. He is from Waukon.

Rostad Joins Waukon Police Department

Alyssa Rostad was sworn in at the December 4, 2023, Waukon City Council meeting as a police officer. Officer Rostad is from Houston MN. She has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Simpson College.

Station Remodel Complete

A remodel of the current Waukon Police Department facility was completed in February of 2021. The video located in this post is a virtual tour of our facility; the video was filmed and edited by Olaf Johnson of Spring Grove. The project would not have been possible without the support of Waukon City Council members … [Read More]

WKPD Upgrades Radios

The Waukon Police Department recently completed a radio upgrade at our department following the Allamakee County Dispatch Center switching their communication system from Analog to P25 digital. The upgrade included both car radios & officer portable radios. City Officials allowed us to go beyond the required local digital upgrade and they approved us to purchase … [Read More]

Fingerprinting Services Now Available

Fingerprinting services are now available at the Waukon Police Department. Charge is $5.00, call for your appointment at 563-568-4338. Please bring exact change.

WKPD Cellular & Mobile Service News

The Waukon Police Department has entered into a service agreement with FirstNet, an AT&T company, for our cellular and mobile service. FirstNet allows the department to have cellular tower priority and preemption during disasters or other events in which cellular towers would see an influx in usage. We feel that this service will help us … [Read More]