69.09 ALL NIGHT PARKING PROHIBITED. No person shall park a vehicle on any street in the downtown business district between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. from November 15 until the following April 1. For this purpose, the downtown business district shall be defined as the intersection of 2nd Street NE and 2nd Ave. NE traveling west on 2nd Ave. NE to the intersection of 2nd Ave. NW and 2nd St. NW, then traveling south to the intersection of 2nd St. SW and 2nd Ave. SW, then traveling east along 2nd Ave. SW to 2nd Ave. SE, traveling north through 2nd St. SE continuing back to the beginning. The following is an exception:
1. Residential properties within this district will be subject to the provisions as listed in section 69.12
69.12 SNOW EMERGENCIES. No person shall park, abandon, or leave unattended any vehicle on any public street or alley, during any snow emergency proclaimed by the mayor unless the snow has been removed or plowed from said street or alley, and the snow has ceased to fall. Persons may continue to park their vehicle in a city-owned off-street parking area during a snow emergency so long as it is moved to a different parking spot within 24 hours of the beginning of the snow emergency to allow for snow removal. For purposes of this section, a snow emergency is in effect when the accumulation of snow is forecasted to exceed three inches of snow as predicted by the National Weather Service for the City, in any snowstorm or snow event. A snow emergency parking ban shall continue from its proclamation throughout the duration of the snow or ice storm and the 24-hour period after cessation of such storm except as above provided upon streets which have been fully opened. Such a ban shall be of uniform application and the Police Chief is directed to widely publicize the requirements, using all available news media, in early November each year. Where predictions or occurrences indicate the need, the mayor shall proclaim a snow emergency, and the Police Chief shall inform the news media to publicize the proclamation and the parking rules thereunder. Such an emergency may be extended or shortened when conditions warrant. Vehicles found to be parked in violation of this section shall be cited and towed as described in Chapter 70.
69.16 STREET PARKING EXCEPTIONS. During the period from November 15 to the following April 1, parking exceptions from being prohibited are as follows:
1. On Clinton Street, parking is permitted on the east side of Clinton Street from 6:00 pm on odd-numbered days to 6:00 pm on the following day during such period and is permitted on the west side of Clinton Street from 6:00 pm on even numbered days to 6:00 pm on the following day during such period.
2. The west side of Fifth Street SW between West Main Street and the northeast comer of Lot Kin Lot 1 of Block 11 in Scott Shattuck's Third Addition
3. The west side of Seventh Street SW extending south from West Main Street 40 feet.
4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.